Pregnant? Who Do You Trust?


The CDC has been recommending two vaccines for pregnant women: The TDaP and the flu shot. Is it safe to give these vaccines?

Please inform yourself. Your doctor trusts the CDC. Is the CDC information on pregnancy and vaccines trustworthy?

Some basic questions every pregnant woman, potential new parent, grandparent, etc needs to consider:

  • Has the CDC done safety investigations on vaccine impact during pregnancy?
  • Why is there now such a big push to give vaccines in pregnancy when previously ALL medication was discouraged during pregnancy?
  • What are the potentially harmful ingredients in a specific vaccine and what is the impact it might have on a developing baby?
  • How much time has my care giver devoted to investigating the true risk versus potential benefit of these vaccines? Have they taken time to investigate beyond just repeating the CDC recommendations?
  • If mercury in tuna and other seafood should be avoided, why is it promoted as safe to be injected?
  • Have other women experienced serious adverse events after accepting vaccines?
  • Is the pertussis vaccine (included in the TDaP/DTaP) effective in protecting a newborn from contracting whooping cough?
  • Is whooping cough always deadly for a young infant? Are there any steps that could protect a baby from whooping cough other than a vaccine?

Every parent wants what is best for their newborns. We want to protect them from illness. Unfortunately our world has become extremely complicated and there are huge industries devoted to pushing products on people. We investigate which car seat is safest. We compare the car we will buy based on safety ratings. In the same way, we need to investigate all products recommended to us by anyone, even our very nice doctor.

More information to help you explore the topic of having a SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY, CONTENTED, SMART baby:

To My Newly Pregnant Friend
Preparing to Vaccinate
Which Vaccines are Safe?
My Dear Friend
My personal objections to vaccines

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth, health and joy. I seek answers to difficult questions, engaging in discussions some would rather avoid. As a breastfeeding counselor for nearly 24 years, I have a special passion for helping new parents have a happy healthy baby!

7 Essentials for Sharing Vaccine Truth with those you love.

You have spent HOURS researching vaccine ingredients and understand the true risk of injecting vaccines. You desperately want to share what you have learned with family, friends, and even total strangers. Caring enough about the people you know and meet means making an effort to meet them where they are.

  1. Pray. God can open hearts and minds to truth, in a way we don’t always understand. In Acts 16:14 God opened Lydia’s heart to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Colossians 2 Paul reminds us that in Jesus Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Sharing vaccine reality requires sensitivity to the awakening God wants to do in every heart. We need to pray and be sensitive that this is actually a spiritual battle; it is God’s work, not ours. God can use us to share truth, but we need to proceed with humility. Ask friends to join you in prayer for specific family members. Consider implementing a “Fast and Pray strategy.
  1. Ask questions. Be more interested in the other person, how they feel, what has formed their views, their previous experiences, than you are in pushing your information in their face. Determine what they know. Do they know how many vaccines the CDC now recommends for babies – and adults? Do they know how vaccines ‘work’? Do they understand neonatal immune development? Do they have fears about specific infections?
  1. Love & Respect. Often vaccine discussions can get heated. Don’t allow your intense desire to convince others to push your buttons. Leave your emotions out. Focus on loving. Show respect. This will take time. Seek to always leave a conversation with the other person feeling heard, respected and loved.
  1. Use Third Parties. There are great documentaries, Youtube videos, etc. with rational calm presentations. Determine which might be a good fit for the person you are trying to enlighten. Short respectful videos are a good way to start. Dr Moss is a man “in the system” who speaks very respectfully about the system, yet offers very good points on questioning vaccines. Since it is short, informed, loving, and has some story components, it could be a great place to start. Other doctors I admire: Dr Suzanne Humphries, 240+ Doctors speak out on vaccine truth, Documentaries: Bought, Greater Good.
  1. Get Confident. Build your own credibility by learning and distilling facts accurately. Practice on Facebook, join a Vaccine Truth Facebook Group to learn more, or practice with friends. Focus on a few basic facts and learn them well, here is a list of vaccine objections I put together. Some good facts to review and be very familiar with: VICP compensation since 1988, table of injuries used by VICP, vaccine package inserts for different vaccines, CDC schedule, Aluminum content in vaccines.
  1. Stay calm. Don’t beat yourself up with guilt if you ‘mess up’ or it goes badly, but keep at it. Seek to be more accepting, more informative, and keep trying! If you have younger children, keep training them. Train your children to be adept at sharing vaccine/health truth with others. You are leaving a legacy of health. Never give up. The issue of vaccine safety is so huge that it is a deal breaker for many single people. It is something that needs to be discussed very early in the ‘getting to know you’ process, for anyone considering marriage.
  1. Don’t expect overnight success. Belief in vaccine safety is a deeply held philosophical concept, similar to religion, that will not be changed quickly. A good starting point is to get future parents to consider the ‘next’ vaccine decision they may face. For a pregnant woman, investigating the true risks/benefits of a flu shot or a TDaP shot; for newborns, encourage investigating Hepatitis B shots.

Author: Becky Hastings is a wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. From time to time Becky shares easy recipes that can help you have a healthier life!

Roll Up Your Sleeve

Imagine, you are feeling well. You go to your physician for a routine check up.

You’re told you will be receiving the following vaccines today because you “need them”:

DTaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel, 5 vaccines)
HepA-HepB (Twinrix, 2 vaccines)
MMRV (ProQuad, 4 vaccines)
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23, 1 vaccine with 23 antigens)
Shingles ZOS (Zostavax, which contains aborted human fetal cell fragments)
Meningococcal MenACWY (Menactra, Menveo)
Seasonal flu (one of the following: Afluria, Fluad, Flublok, Flucelvax, FluLaval, Fluarix, Fluvirin, Fluzone, Fluzone High-Dose, Fluzone Intradermal)

What do you do?

Do you take them all without question?
Because the CDC and your doctor says they’re safe?
(I’m doubtful you would)

So WHY are we allowing this to be done to our babies?

Now suppose you take some or all of these vaccines, and you have a serious adverse reaction. What then?

Do you know the doctor isn’t liable for injuries from vaccines?
Neither are the vaccine manufacturers.

Do you know how to file with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? (While it has paid out nearly $4 billion in compensation, it is a difficult arduous process that must be initiated within two years of the injury – Good luck with that)

Do you know there’s a 75 cent tax on each vaccine that goes into that program to compensate for injuries?
(DTAP-IPV-HIB is a 5 in one vaccine = a $3.75 tax!)

Are you worried that combining this many vaccines may NOT be safe?

Do you know what about each ingredient of these vaccines?

Why aren’t you concerned about how many vaccines are recommend for babies from birth to 5 years old?

Are you aware there are NO safety studies on giving combined vaccines to babies, yet it’s done everyday in pediatricians offices. Not only do they give these vaccines in combination, they are given REPEATEDLY!

Stop and think, why are there so many neurologically damaged children today (1 in 6 in the USA have a neurologic diagnosis)? Why are there so many parents who once vaccinated their children (without question) now speaking out on social media on the dangers of vaccines? Why are doctors who are asking serious questions about vaccines ignored or silenced by the media?

It’s not that difficult to understand.[1]

[1] The concept and primary content of this piece is derived from a mom of a severely vaccine injured daughter, now trying to navigate having an adult disabled daughter. She tirelessly shares her story in the hope of preventing other families from the suffering they have experienced.

I can tell you one major mistake I made when I had my children in the 90s. I believed that the vaccines were broken up into “baby size” proportions. In other words, I thought 5 DTAP vaccines were 1/5 at a time vs. those given to adults. I didn’t understand at the time my babies were being given 5 full doses. I also didn’t realize that my nieces and nephews who were born in the 80s were only given 3 DTAPs, and were NEVER given HIB or HEPB. As time goes on, more and more shots have been added.
My children never got rotavirus, pneumococcal, varicella, or flu vaccines and we still ended up with vaccine injury. These vaccines are now part of the schedule. You really have to wonder how many more they can add on without parents saying ENOUGH!!!!

Author: Becky Hastings is a wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. From time to time Becky shares easy recipes that can help you have a healthier life!

Simply Delicious Raw Chocolate

There is no ‘wrong’ way to make raw chocolate. I encourage people to modify the ingredients and personalise this basic raw chocolate recipe according to your preferences. Here are the approximate quantities of a great batch of raw chocolate I made recently as part of a healthy snack demonstration for a group of ladies. It disappeared quickly and received many positive comments.

  • 1 cup organic raw cacao powder
  • 1 cup cold pressed virgin coconut oil at room temp, or warm.
  • 8 dates (soaked overnight and chopped, include water)
  • 1/2 cup brazil nuts & walnuts (soaked overnight and chopped)
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds (optional)
  • ±2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan crystal salt

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. If your coconut oil is hard, stand the container in hot water until it softens. Never microwave your ingredients! When thoroughly mixed, pour into a glass dish or a pan lined with parchment paper, spread around. Place in the refrigerator to harden – or the freezer if you are in  a hurry to eat some delicious raw chocolate!

Remove the parchment paper and cut on a chopping board. When the chocolate is too cold it may crumble. Be careful when serving because it may crumble. Store in the refrigerator.

In my raw chocolate demonstrations I like to discuss health, making more healthy food choices, adding more delicious and ‘good for us’ foods to our plates, and ORAC values. Most people are aware that eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate has specific health benefits. However, consuming raw cacao powder delivers a phenomenal array of mineral content and unique properties.

According to David Wolfe, Cacao is the best natural food source of antioxidants, Magnesium, Iron, Chromium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin C. Omega 6 Fatty Acids, Phenylethylamine (PEA) (Cacao is one of the great weight-loss foods because the minerals and the PEA molecule help shut off the appetite).The ORAC value of raw cacao powder is off the charts when compared to fruits we have come to think of as high in antioxidants. The ORAC Value for blueberries is 32, wild blueberries 61, compared to raw cacao powder with a value of 955. ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity assay is a standard measure of antioxidant concentration.[1]

I really liked the result of soaking the dates and the nuts overnight. There are benefits to soaking nuts (reduction of phytates) but they also enhance the delivery. Soaking also made the dates moist and mixable. I use walnuts because they are excellent for brain health and brazil nuts because they delivery selenium.

Sorry, I didn’t get a picture of the actual raw chocolate – it was so good and appreciated by so many, that it was eaten up fast! I need to make another batch and try to remember to take a picture! [Edit: I did it! Note the picture at the top. It was also delicious!]

Author: Becky Hastings is a wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. From time to time Becky shares easy recipes that can help you have a healthier life!

[1] David Wolfe, Superfoods, The Food and Medicine of the Future, 2009.